When To Book Your Senior Photo Session in the Oregon Wildflowers

The Oregon wildflowers season starts in the spring and continues through the fall, and I know the best places to capture them! In this blog post, discover all of the details you need to start planning your senior photos in the wildflowers.

If you are short on time, jump down the section that answers what you are specifically looking for, or save this post for later on Pinterest. 

When to Book Your Oregon Wildflowers Senior Photoshoot

The Different Types of Oregon Wildflowers & When They Are in Bloom

How to Choose Your Senior Photoshoot Location

When to Book Your Oregon Wildflowers Senior Photoshoot

Don’t wait until the last minute to inquire with your senior photographer! This is especially true if you want an Oregon Wildflowers photoshoot. By inquiring earlier than later, you can contact your photographer about when and where your photoshoot will be to ensure you get your senior photos surrounded by stunning wildflowers. Plus, you want to make sure that the photographer that you want to work with is available! To inquire with Han Kat Studio for your Oregon Wildflowers photoshoot, fill out an inquiry form here (I can’t wait to connect with you!). 

Depending on what wildflowers and vibe you envision, you might want to take your senior photos during the spring of your junior year or in the summer before your senior year begins. That way, you will be able to use and enjoy your senior photos during your senior year! If you reach out to me in the early fall and really want flowers, the only ones still blooming are the roses.

oregon wildflowers senior session at the gorge

The Different Types of Oregon Wildflowers & When They Are in Bloom

The Gorge Wildflowers (May)

All of the photo sessions that I have done at the Gorge are stunning! Plus, I know some hidden gem spots there for outstanding photos with incredible views and flower landscapes (you can book with me to figure out where they are). While you can always get great photos at the Gorge, if you want to be surrounded by the wildflowers, take into consideration that it is a very short season in May!

Related: Gorge Wildflower Senior Shoot Inspiration on Instagram

Lupine Oregon Wildflowers (May)

Also in May, the Lupines are in bloom. The photoshoot locations with these beautiful wildflowers are a little bit more local to Portland, so if you want to stay close to Portland, these Lupines are a great option!

oregon wildflowers photoshoot in the lupines

Related: Spring Senior Photoshoot Inspiration With Lupines on Instagram

Rose Garden (June - September)

If you want to have wildflowers but also want to have a more flexible timeline, the roses are great. They are the Oregon flowers that bloom the latest in the season. If you’re not thinking about your senior photos until September, the roses will be there. I was there a couple of weeks ago, and they’re still blooming in October!

Related: Rose Garden Senior Photos on Instagram

Lavender Blooms (July)

If you want a spot to yourself for your Oregon wildflower photography session, the lavender fields are great because you can pretty much guarantee that it’ll just be you there. There are a couple of farms that you can rent for certain times and spaces in July when the Lavender is in bloom. They are super pretty, and there aren’t other people there! Typically, a lot of the other locations have people, but here, you get the whole field to yourself. Doesn’t that sound amazing?

lavender blooms for oregon wildflower senior photos

For more lavender photo ideas, click here!

Mount Hood Oregon Wildflowers (July & Early August)

In July and early August, the wildflowers bloom at Mount Hood, and they are so beautiful! There are a couple of spots that I take my seniors to for the most epic and breathtaking photos, surrounded by flowers with Mount Hood in the background. While it’s a little bit farther out of the way, it is very majestic! Plus, I have found some hidden gems at those spots that I haven’t seen people at before… inquire with me to learn more!

Related: Mount Hood Oregon Wildflower Senior Session on Instagram

Sunflowers (Early August)

If you want to envision your senior photos with a barn, tall grass, and fences for a more country vibe, the sunflowers are great for that! Kind of similar to the lavender, a lot of farms will let you book certain times to take photos with the sunflowers in early August. This also means that they are not busy because you have to book a time typically! However, keep in mind that the sunflower season is real quick. I know most of Oregon's wildflower seasons are, but this one is just a couple of weeks!

Sunflower Senior Photoshoot on Instagram

Han Kat Studio | Oregon Photographer and Brand Designer

Check out more senior photos in the Oregon wildflowers to inspire your photoshoot below! Feel free to save to your Pinterest senior photos inspiration board or jump down to How to Choose Your Senior Photoshoot Location.

oregon wildflowers senior shoot

Can you see yourself in these senior photos? Book with me here to capture your Oregon senior photoshoot!

How to Choose Your Senior Photoshoot Location

All of the locations with these Oregon wildflowers are stunning! They are all different, so you can pick and choose what feels the most like you and your personality. I always tell my seniors that you get to have so much variety here in Oregon! Here’s how to choose what location is best for you if you don’t want a specific wildflower: 

  • If you have a backdrop vibe, we can pick and choose which feels the most like that. For example, the mountain is significantly different than the gorge and the sunflowers. 

  • With a color palette in mind, we can pick a vibe for you and a time of day that reflects that from all of the location research and scouting I’ve done! (I’ve lived here my whole life, and I’ve had so much time to explore the Pacific Northwest and find spots that are really beautiful!)

sunflower photos for senior photoshoot with oregon wildflowers

Leave No Trace at Your Oregon Wildflowers Photoshoot 

You can trust that when you’re taking photos with me, we’re not only capturing beautiful photos in these areas, but we are preserving the wildlife that is there. At Han Kat Studio, we value treating nature kindly. For your senior photoshoot, we will take care of these areas, leave no trace, and not tramp on the wildflowers! 

Want to Book With Han Kat Studio for Your Oregon Senior Pictures?

I would love to work with you! When you reach out, I’ll send over a fun questionnaire, so I can get to know you better and make your session as fun and laid back as possible! How does that sound? All are worthy. All are welcome. Fill out my inquiry form to get started. 

For more senior photo inspiration or to get to know more about me before working together, check out my Instagram

What Have Other Seniors Said?

"Hannah is AMAZING! She took my senior pictures and exceeded my expectations. She not only took beautiful photos but made also made me feel so comfortable while doing so. I would 100% recommend her to anyone and everyone looking for a talented photographer!"

Want your expectations to be exceeded too? Let’s work together.


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